Speak At MIC

Please make a selection

Please make a selection

Please make a selection

How do you want your name to appear on conference materials? (This will be shown on your talk/session profile page.)

The speaker name is required.

A speaker email address is required.

A conference description is required.

Please provide the name of your organization. This will appear in your talk/session profile page.

A company name is required.

Please provide your position in the company you represent. This will appear in your talk/session profile page.

A position is required.

Please provide the url of your website.
In 100 words or less, please provide a short bio. This will be used in conference materials and will appear in your talk/session profile page.

About the speaker information is required.

This will appear in your talk/session profile page.

Please make a selection

This will appear in your talk/session profile page.

Please make a selection

The file needs to be 1MB or larger high resolution file, for use on website, marketing materials, print banners, etc. A proposal cannot be submitted if it includes an image with a size smaller than 1MB.
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Speaker headshot

A headshot image is required.

Please provide the url to your Twitter account
Please provide the url to your LinkedIn account
Please provide the url to your Facebook account
Please provide the url to your Instagram account
This will be shown on your talk/session profile page. This is a draft, we will follow up for the official description if selected.

A title is required.

Can you describe your session in 150 words or less? Our attendees expect to see world class content so ensure you clearly outline what they'll learn and get out of the talk. This description will be included in conference materials so please write in third person. This discription will be included in your talk/session profile page.

A session description is required.

Please enter at least two take aways for your session These take aways will be shown on your talk/session profile page.

Two take aways are required.

Two take aways are required.

You must complete all speaker #1 fields before entering any speaker #2 data.

Provide the full name of one of your additional speakers. This will be used in conference materials and will appear in your talk/session profile page.
In 100 words or less, please provide a short bio. This will be used in conference materials and will appear in your talk/session profile page.

Speaker #1 profile information is required.

The file needs to be 1MB or larger high resolution file, for use on website, marketing materials, print banners, etc.
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Additional Speakers #1 heatshot

A headshot image is required.

A social media link is required.

You must complete all speaker #2 fields before entering any speaker #3 data.

Provide the full name of one of your additional speakers. This will be used in conference materials and will appear in your talk/session profile page.
In 100 words or less, please provide a short bio. This will be used in conference materials and will appear in your talk/session profile page.

Speaker #2 profile information is required.

The file needs to be 1MB or larger high resolution file, for use on website, marketing materials, print banners, etc.
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Additional Speakers #2 heatshot

A headshot image is required.

A social media link is required.

Provide the full name of one of your additional speakers. This will be used in conference materials and will appear in your talk/session profile page.
In 100 words or less, please provide a short bio. This will be used in conference materials and will appear in your talk/session profile page.

Speaker #3 profile information is required.

The file needs to be 1MB or larger high resolution file, for use on website, marketing materials, print banners, etc.
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Additional Speakers #3 heatshot

A headshot image is required.

A social media link is required.

Please provide a link to your press or media kit.
Enter a link to a Youtube or Vimeo video.
This will appear on your talk/session profile page.

Check the checkbox to indicate that the speaker has read the speakers guide.

By printing your full name here you are indicating that you agree to the above terms and conditions. And grant MIC permission to use anything in this form on a public Talk profile page. This includes information provided about additional speakers. You acknowledge consent from additional speakers including your submission.

Signature is required.

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Looks like you missed some of the required fields. Scroll up to see what you missed.