Authenticity: Just a buzzword or a community building tool?


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Britt Lanza Headshot
Britt Lanza
MEO & Founder, New Altitudes

FORMATBreakout Sessions

CATEGORYMilitary Spouse Related

LEVELBasic Understanding

We will look deeper at what it means to be "authentic" in an online space and how sharing your unique story can organically grow your community, as well as the trust within it. We'll discuss exactly how to show up in online spaces as our genuine selves. We'll look at this from many angles with multiple social media platforms, including Instagram, Pinterest, and Clubhouse. We will also look at how to best to show up - not based on trends - but based on your personality and your unique story. This will not be a conversation about having to make viral reels, but rather how best to show up as YOU and use yourself as a key piece to grow your online communities.


Britt Lanza Headshot

Britt Lanza

MEO & Founder, New Altitudes

Hey there, I'm Britt: MEO and Founder of New Altitudes where I guide military spouses to create and scale their new online business or business idea so they can redefine their identity and take back control of their life. As a business and community guide, I also host the Moments with an MEO podcast to help new entrepreneurs in the military lifestyle feel heard and grow their business through story telling and resources.

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