Breaking Through To New Levels Of Personal Achievement Post Military


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Chris Hoffmann Headshot
Chris Hoffmann
CEO/Founder, The Ambitious VET Network

FORMATBreakout Sessions

CATEGORYMental Health & Resiliency

LEVELField Level Experience

On transition out of the military, we veterans all struggle to find purpose through the fog of self-doubt, confusion, and new distractions. The ambitious and growth-minded veteran needs a way a robust framework to support them in breaking through obstacles and landmines that get in the way of pursuing a path of impact post-military. That framework is built on awareness, positive psychology, and emotional intelligence, and it is the best way out of the pervasive, \"vets are broken, vets are charity cases\" narrative that dominates areas of our culture.


Chris Hoffmann Headshot

Chris Hoffmann

CEO/Founder, The Ambitious VET Network

Chris Hoffmann is a Marine Corps combat veteran, award-winning entrepreneur, and podcaster in the military community. Chris founded the Ambitious VET Network, a leading R/D and education start-up pioneering how positive psychology education is provided to post 9/11 veterans who have realized that immediate transitional education expires on your pathway to reaching your potential post-military. Chris has been recognized as a Forbes Next 1000, Class of 2021, featured on CBS Eye Veterans, Stars and Stripes, and recognized by the San Diego Business Journal 2X as one of the top Veteran and Military Entrepreneurs.

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