Deploying The Next Great Generation to Save U.S. Manufacturing


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Hernán Luis y Prado Headshot
Hernán Luis y Prado
Founder / CEO, Workshops for Warriors


CATEGORYTransition - Preparing for Life After

LEVELBasic Understanding

Due to a staggering lack of vision, America is rapidly falling behind in its ability to innovate and compete globally. There are currently more than half a million unfilled jobs in the advanced manufacturing industry. By 2028, due to a lack of a skilled workforce, there will be 2.4 million unfilled advanced manufacturing positions. If that happens, the persistent skills shortage will jeopardize $2.5 trillion in economic output. That’s why we must train veterans for a new fight, a fight to save America’s economic base. If American business wants to compete and thrive over the next decade as we rebuild post-COVID, we need to fund the next generation of trainers, now.


Hernán Luis y Prado Headshot

Hernán Luis y Prado

Founder / CEO, Workshops for Warriors

Hernán Luis y Prado served in the United States Navy for 15 years as a Hospital Corpsman and then as a Surface Warfare Officer, serving three combat tours of duty In Iraq and Afghanistan. He founded Workshops for Warriors, a non-profit organization that provides transitioning service members and veterans compressed advanced manufacturing training, certification, and job placements. He is recognized by the White House as a “Champion of Change” for WFW’s extensive efforts and notable achievements in helping veterans successfully transition from the military into advanced manufacturing careers.

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