How a Great Culture Wins the Hiring Battle


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Carrie Roeger Headshot
Carrie Roeger
CEO, Rally Point Grille

FORMATBreakout Sessions

CATEGORYEntrepreneurship - Founders & Investors

LEVELBasic Understanding

Top talent has a plethora of choices in today's marketplace. Why should they choose your company? In this session, we will talk about how culture plays an important role in attracting and keeping top talent. You will learn how to create a great culture, keep a great culture, and promote a great culture to attract the talent you need to reach your goals.


Carrie Roeger Headshot

Carrie Roeger

CEO, Rally Point Grille

Throughout her career, Carrie Roeger has leveraged the qualities of focus and determination to drive her toward success. A five-year veteran of the US Marine Corps, Carrie has carved out an impressive body of experience as a business leader in residential construction, an adjunct professor at a top-rated university, a business coach, partner in a neighborhood restaurant and CEO of a restaurant Franchise. She has led multiple organizations through strategic planning, operations improvement, budget management and business expansion. She resides in the Metro Atlanta area with her husband and 2 dogs.

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