How To Become A Social Entrepreneur


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Gary L. Polk, Jr. Headshot
Gary L. Polk, Jr.
Cofounder & CEO, The Polk Institute

FORMATBreakout Sessions

CATEGORYNonprofit - Social Impact

LEVELBasic Understanding

How To Become A Social Entrepreneur will not only define what that is but how to become one. Attendees will learn about The Polk Institute's free 66-week training at The Polk Institute. Also, what is the triple bottom line and how it translates to success in business. Gary will also share some success stories. Also, what is the triple bottom line and how it translates to success in business.


Gary L. Polk, Jr. Headshot

Gary L. Polk, Jr.

Cofounder & CEO, The Polk Institute

As a Black businessman, CEO, business consultant, university professor and author, Polk is passionate about entrepreneurs...and why they succeed or fail. His initial book, Why Entrepreneurs Fail (To Win), is widely used as a textbook in college entrepreneurship programs. Why Black and Brown Entrepreneurs Fail (To Win) is for entrepreneurship programs. Why Black and Brown Entrepreneurs Fail (To Win) is for entrepreneurs and those who want to be. His third book, Why Women Entrepreneurs Fail (To Win), recently published. He's also a proponent of social entrepreneurship and launched the Polk Institute of Social Entrepreneurship, a 501(c)(3) on January 15, 2021.


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