Leading Through Transition
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Zack Knight
UnleashU, UnleashU
CATEGORYTransition - Preparing for Life After
LEVELBasic Understanding
Zack Knight will inspire, educate, and lead the audience during his session about transitioning back into civilian life. From the streets of metro-Atlanta as a police officer, to the mountains of Afghanistan as an Infantry leader, Zack has been tested on transitioning and adapting to new life.
Zack Knight
UnleashU, UnleashU
From the streets of metro-Atlanta as a police officer, to the mountains of Afghanistan as an Infantry leader, Zack has been tested on his crime and risk mitigation expertise as well as his leadership. He has built this experience into Knight Protection Services, where he provides those techniques to a wide array of businesses. He also volunteers on the board of Vetlanta, the physical security council for ASIS, and as co-chair of Surviving To Thriving.