The journey of the Social Impact Entrepreneur a road less traveled.


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Wacinque AK BeMende Headshot
Wacinque AK BeMende
Founder & Chief Poverty Consultant, KaizenRhino Solutions International Consultancy


CATEGORYNonprofit - Social Impact

LEVELBasic Understanding

Daring to believe in Unicorns is the heart and soul of every entrepreneur. If you desire to place the challenge on steroids' then start a journey to build a social impact Unicorn. At least in the Tech world entrepreneurs can point to a few examples...enough in fact that you almost believe they are common place. When you review the Bloomberg Wealth number model you see the challenge of changing a billion lives. The difference is the same where its innovation that makes it happen. KaizenRhino Solution has launched GPIA 2035 using 10-3.5 or $ 5000.00 in asset ownership based on the international known scientific notational number system and Bloomberg wealth model to establish the first social impact international standard. The journey to create innovation will be familiar to most entrepreneurs just unknown to date on this scale for social ventures. Dare to believe in a social unicorn.


Wacinque AK BeMende Headshot

Wacinque AK BeMende

Founder & Chief Poverty Consultant, KaizenRhino Solutions International Consultancy

Wacinque A.K. BeMende is Founder of KaizenRhino Solutions International. Wacinque served 40 years in the military, starting with the Marine Corps. He volunteered with programs serving unbanked and low income families with tax preparation, financial coaching and debt reduction. His direct, global exposure to poverty lead to his entrepreneurship passion and to design the Global Permanent Investment Account. Wacinque studied Banking and Finance and received his BS degree in Human Services at Upper Iowa University. His Master's concentration was Adult Education and he was an adjunct instructor of personal finance for Central Texas Community College.


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