The Stoic Transition: 5 Ancient Rules for Thriving as a Civilian
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Ken Davenport
CEO, Mission Edge

FORMATBreakout Sessions
CATEGORYTransition - Preparing for Life After
LEVELBasic Understanding
“Thank you for your service. Now, who are you?” One of the core challenges of transition is dealing with the loss of identity – the shedding of purpose and position in exchange for a blank slate. Who are you after you leave the military? How you see yourself in this process is critical…yet most of the time we hand it over to other people or outside sources. We let others determine our identity. We commiserate about labels. We accept the most pessimistic interpretation of things. Will the outside world see my value and my talents? This session addresses these questions from the perspectives of the Stoics, the ancient philosophy that encourages you to focus on that which you can control. We’ll discuss five rules of life inspired by Stoicism to help frame your approach to transition and help quiet the doubts about what you can achieve in the civilian world.

Ken Davenport
CEO, Mission Edge
I'm a serial entrepreneur focused on social impact -- changing the world by helping others achieve their missions in life. One of my personal goals is to help the military community take their talents successfully to the civilian world. I teach the Boots to Business course for the DoD, am a leader at FourBlock and a past board member of the Travis Manion Foundation.