Veterans Leave No Child Behind ....... Your Story Is Needed


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Dr. Kenneth R. Gay, Jr. Headshot
Dr. Kenneth R. Gay, Jr.
CEO/Founder &. Alumni Chapter Lead, Kenneth Gay Education, LLC & The Rosie Network (Service2CEO) Alumni Chapter Lead


CATEGORYMental Health & Resiliency

LEVELBasic Understanding

This session will provide participants to work together in a workshop style environment to discuss how Veteran Entrepreneurs can make positive impacts as volunteers in challenging (K-12) schools in their city. Your are living proof that if you can make it they can make it; but they want know until they know your story. o Why Your Story Matters (Veteran Entrepreneur) o Mentorship & Coaching o Resiliency, Discipline, Integrity This workshop style format will allow participants to learn from other peers in attendance; as well as strategies from the presenter Dr. Kenneth Gay.


Dr. Kenneth R. Gay, Jr. Headshot

Dr. Kenneth R. Gay, Jr.

CEO/Founder &. Alumni Chapter Lead, Kenneth Gay Education, LLC & The Rosie Network (Service2CEO) Alumni Chapter Lead

Dr. Kenneth R. Gay, Jr., is a passionate dedicated leader with over twenty years as an Educational Professional and 27 years of distinguished service with the United States Army Reserves. Over the years, he has touched the lives of thousands of youths, leaders, educators, parents and military troops. His credentials are stellar. Dr. Gay is the Founder/CEO of Kenneth Gay Education, LLC, which he started in March 2021. He saw a need and a gap in public education (K-12); that military veterans could fill in the gaps to help struggling students & parents with Social-Emotional Learning Strategies. Dr. Gay, also serves at the Alumni Chapter Lead for The Rosie Network, Service2CEO program in which he graduated. He also is a graduate of the Bunker Labs Veteran in Residence Program and Breaking Barriers for African American Entrepreneurs. Dr. Gay, is a member of the Houston Veterans Chamber of Commerce that allows him the opportunity to network with other veteran entrepreneurs monthly in Houston, TX.


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