Veterans - Serving Your Country Again Through Politics
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Alberto Ramos
Director of Talent Development, New Politics

FORMATBreakout Sessions
CATEGORYNonprofit - Social Impact
LEVELBasic Understanding
We believe now more than ever our nation needs leaders who have served our country and know what it means to put others first. We need Americans who have put everything aside to serve our communities outside of politics to serve our country as political leaders. New Politics is a bipartisan organization which revitalizes American democracy by recruiting, developing, and electing servant leaders who put community and country over self. We support outstanding military veterans to step up and serve our country again, this time through politics. We understand that to achieve our mission to revitalize democracy we must break down barriers to entry, support servant leaders who reflect the diversity of our nation, and center the voices of those most impacted by our politics. We want to help YOU change the political landscape by bringing fresh, service-oriented perspectives to politics, from Congress to state houses around the country.

Alberto Ramos
Director of Talent Development, New Politics
Alberto Ramos is the Director of Talent Development at New Politics, a bipartisan political organization working with veterans running for office at the local, state, and federal levels. Alberto completed a non-partisan White House Fellowship at the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC). Alberto served as a submarine warfare officer and completed multiple deployments. Alberto earned a Master of Public Policy from the University of Chicago and a Bachelor of Science with Distinction in Political Science from the United States Naval Academy. He is a proud native of Las Vegas, Nevada and currently lives in Washington D.C.