What is in your Life's Blueprint? Living a life of purpose through continued service after military separation.


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Jimmy White IV Headshot
Jimmy White IV
Owner/Professional Speaker, Jimmy White Speaks


CATEGORYTransition - Preparing for Life After

LEVELBasic Understanding

In this workshop, attendees will be introduced to Dr. Martin Luther King principles on what should be in life's blueprint. Through exploration of your personal belief system, attendees will find opportunities to align their actions with their values towards achieving their goals. By the end, you will develop the foundation of your life's blueprint towards achieving your life's purpose.


Jimmy White IV Headshot

Jimmy White IV

Owner/Professional Speaker, Jimmy White Speaks

Jimmy White IV is a South Philadelphia native who served in the US Navy from 2000-2006 as a nuclear electrician on board the fast attack submarine, the USS Montpelier. In 2003, his submarine was part of “Shock and Awe” supporting ground troops by firing 20 tomahawk missiles as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Through his military career, he earned three Navy Achievement Medals for outstanding service. He was named Junior Sailor of the Year for his command and achieved the rank of 1st class petty officer. He is currently the Director of Engineering for Four Seasons Philadelphia, a passionate Professional Speaker, a GW Bush Center Veteran Leadership Program Scholar, an alumni of the Leadership Philadelphia program, a national award winning Youth/Veteran Advocate with the Travis Manion Foundation, a TEDx Speaker, the Veteran-In Residence for the Venture Café OnRamp Entrepreneurship Cohort, a Board Member of the Community Partnership School, a member of the Military Veterans in Journalism Speaker Bureau and Mentor/Inspirational Speaker for the Philadelphia Union Foundation IAM Project. He is a minister at the Prophetic Church of Christ in South Philadelphia and a loving husband to his wife (Theresa) and father of three amazing boys (Jim-Jim, Jo-Jo and Jack-Jack).


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